By Sean Claes
So much of my life is tied into social media. I’ve been tempted to walk away from Facebook because of the ugliness.
People posting hate. Hurling stones blindly at a group while making a plea to have folks stop hurling stones at them. Aggression shared through memes and reposts without considering the gravity of the words.
So many for me have been posted by people I have friended through organizations that are supposed to be about love, family, brotherhood and God. It has caused me to question my involvement in each of them. Every one.
To my family and friends and colleagues (and you if you don’t feel you fit in one of the above categories). I love you. I’m here for you. I accept you where you are, how you are. I pray for you. I wish you happiness and health.
How amazing would it be if we all led with love? Tried to find similarities instead of differences? Worked to understand instead of dominate? Listened instead of planned a retort? Built bridges instead of walls? Met people where THEY are instead of demanding they come to us?
I have a lot of work to do on myself. I see the log in my eye and I’m addressing that. I’m listening, learning and making new decisions (not changing my mind) based on the new information. I am learning. Part of this has been to make some hard decisions...even ending friendships in real life (and social media).
The biggest thing I’ve realized for myself is... in order to change direction... love needs to lead.
Love Moves First.
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