I’ve read some interesting articles and listened to a few sermons recently about religious beliefs… one talked about someone’s ability to lead a good life and be a good person without actually DOING anything to help your fellow man.
Another talked about two definitions of “Christian” that people fall under. The noun and the adjective.
You can live your life obeying all laws, not breaking any codes or doing anything shady… and believe you are Christian. But this is using it as a noun… it’s a thing. You define it personally and it has nothing to do with love of others.
Or.. you can live your life as a Christian serving others, helping others by lifting them up and being the hands and feet of God as exemplified by Jesus… defining it as an adjective.
So… those who act selfish and who’s every decision they make is inward and they still call themselves Christian… they truly believe they are Christian… and by their definition (the noun) they’re checking the box.
Although I totally disagree with the “Christian as a noun” sentiment… it has helped me to wrap my mind around those who think that way…
To me it’s not a box to check. Being Christian is an action… it’s something one DOES. It’s how we lead with love toward others.
Those who see it as a noun aren’t concerned with others or leading (or responding) with love.
So the disagreement is from the core fundamental belief.
Love the lord with all your heart and mind AND love your neighbor as yourself…
To me… you can’t be Christian without the act of BEING Christian.
I’ll take a flawed human with a good heart and a unfaltering love for God and our neighbors over the rule following, box ticking human who is trying to earn grace by obeying laws.
It’s possible to love God with all your heart and be dismissive to your fellow humans. But that’s not the type of person I would like to spend my time with.
Love you.