Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Week 12 - Twelfth COVID-19 Test of the 2021-22 School year

My Journey:

Week 1 - link
Week 2 - link
Week 3 - link
Week 4 - link
Week 5 - link
Week 6 - link
Week 7 - link
Week 8 - link
Week 9 - link
Week 10 - link
Week 11 - link
Week 12 - link
Week 13 - link
Week 14 - link
Week 15- link
Week 16 - link
Week 17 - link
Week 18 - link
Week 19 - link
Week 20 - link
Week 21 - link

Week 12 - 12th COVID-19 test of the school year. 

I am very conscious of the lack of masks around me while indoors these days at stores and public places. Personally, I am around so many people in an enclosed setting (work) that I feel that me wearing a mask in these setting is my way of protecting those who refuse to protect themselves and their loved ones. Plus.. I’m protecting myself and my loved ones as well. 

It’s an outward expression of love. 

And… as much as I see the judgement in some people’s eyes when I walk into a store wearing a mask… I am trying to work on judging those unmasked who laugh at, scoff, or make a snide comment when they see me and my family in masks. It’s a process. I’m trying to lead with love… but sometimes I fail. 

But… I feel it’s important to post that aspect as much as posting the weekly tests and sharing my experiences. 

I will continue to try and let love lead. 



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